Tax Measures
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Tax Specialist Group
Service Areas: Corporate Services

Low Tax Jurisdictions

ITSG members have extensive experience in dealing with low tax jurisdictions around the world. ITSG members have contacts in virtually every offshore centre and low tax jurisdiction, and are able to assist clients with the establishment of corporations, limited liability companies (where applicable), partnerships or trusts in these jurisdictions. In addition, they can arrange for local representation as well as banking, accounting and legal assistance.

Low tax jurisdictions and tax havens can be very different in terms of their legal systems, structure, and whether or not they have international tax treaties. For example, some jurisdictions have no income tax whatsoever while others have a tax system that grants certain forms of exemption. Mauritius, for example, has a corporate tax rate of 15% but grants an 80% exemption for foreign source income. Barbados has a two-tier tax system, with regular corporations being taxed at 25% while those with an international business corporation licence pay tax at 2.5% but generally may not claim benefits under international tax traties.

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